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TRIAC series 600V/800V 4A BT136-600E TO-220M

BT136E series triacs with low holding and latchingcurrent are especially recommended for use onmiddle and small resistance type power load.

1 Description 

BT136E series triacs with low holding and latchingcurrent are especially recommended for use onmiddle and small resistance type power load. TO-220F provides insulation voltage rated at 2000V RMS from all three terminals to external heatsink. TO-220F series comply with UL standards (File ref: E252906). 

2 Features 

 High current output up to 4A 

 Low Peak on-state voltage drop 

 High voltage 

 High reliability 

3 Applications 

 jet pumps of dishwashers 

 fans of air-conditioner 

 power charger  AC Motor control

600V/800V 1.7V 4A

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